Sunday, August 11, 2013

Homemade French Bread

I've been wanting to learn how to make some things in the kitchen that I've never made before, homemade bread being one of them. This recipe is super simple and my mother in law was kind enough to share it with me. 

Ingredients: *Makes two large loafs*
2 TBSP dry yeast
1 TBSP honey (sugar works fine too)
1/2 C. warm water
2 C. hot water
3 TBSP sugar
1 TBSP salt
5 TBSP oil
6 C. flour (unsifted)
1 egg white 
Optional: sesame seeds/ seasoning etc.

1. Dissolve yeast in 1/2 C. warm water w/ 1 TBSP honey. Let stand for 10 minutes
2. In large bowl combine 2 C. hot water, sugar, oil, salt, and 1/2 the flour. Mix well. Stir in dissolved yeast. 
3. Mix in remaining flour.
4. Stir dough, then allow to rest for 10 minutes.
5. Repeat 4 more times. (If you have a mixer turn it on for about 5 seconds, then rest dough for 10 min.)
6. Roll out dough into 2 rectangles. Take the long side of the rectangle and roll up the dough and pinch ends. 
7. Place side by side on greased cookie sheet. Take knife and diagonally cut three small cuts across the top of each loaf.
8. Baste with egg white/sprinkle with sesame seeds etc. 
9. Let loafs stand for 30 minutes/ Preheat oven to 400 degrees
10. Bake for 25 minutes. 


  1. Have you ever made it using a portion as whole wheat flour?

  2. Hi Karen! I actually have. I did about half and half. So 3 cups white and 3 cups wheat. It turned out just as good, both taste and look wise. I'd love to hear how you like it!
